May 3, 2010

"Pink Floyd Night School"

Hello again my old friend--it's been awhile since our last post, but really, we haven't even been back from NoLa a week yet.  Hard to believe!  However, a wrap-up of jazzfest, a stellar My Morning Jacket Show, and a few others are in the pipeline.

Wanted to share this article in the meantime as a former concert production nerd.  Mark Edmundson wrote an op-ed for the Times over the weekend about his favorite odd-job post college, which just so happened to be working at a NJ venue.  I particularly enjoy this article because Edmundson is a professor at University of Virginia, where I did the bulk of my concert production, and he had the distinction of being a target of wrath my first year for writing a treatise on the laziness of students, which I was introduced to in freshman writing.

Anyone whose done concert production has these type of stories, and it's always nice to stop and relive them every once in awhile.  Although I bet he never shoveled mud to save a show...

Thanks to Rob Tucher via for the photo.

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