May 3, 2011

Did you hear about... new Peter Bjorn and John?

You can can count on a second chance...

I woke up this morning with Phoenix's Long Distance Call in my head, dying for a new release from my favorite Francophones.  Instead, I became acquainted with Peter Bjorn & John's latest, Gimme Some, falling in love 99% of it (leaving that one percent in case it's just lust at first listen).

The first single off the album--Second Chances--epitomizes the album, with heavy hearted lyrics and danceable music, and a similar sense of scorn carries through Tomorrow Has to Wait, Breaker Breaker ("Before you break my heart/Before you run/I'm gonna break your nose and sing about it") and Down Like Me.  Balancing the weight of these uptempo songs with melancholy lyrics are the contemplative Dig A Little Deeper and May Seem Macbre, keeping the album from being entirely a bitter retort from a broken heart.

My prior tries at PBJ have been less than stellar, chalking their music up to relatively mediocre; granted, I had a less sophisticated ear than in my 28th year.  But this album is particularly inspired.  I recommend putting the entirety on loop and giving PBJ a second chance.  It's a welcome set of songs to usher in spring.  Bud Light Lime seems to think so too...

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